The Healthy Hair Diary is now on YouTube...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I have been thinking about joining YouTube for a while now but have been sceptical because I hate the sound of my voice on camera. I have a few days off work this week and have been home alone giving me the peace and quiet needed to get back on my blogging game and must be feeling adventurous, because I found myself in front of the camera, recording my first YouTube Video...

It's just an introduction video, giving a brief description about when I started my hair journey and why etc. Eventually I will start making videos on tutorials showing how I do my hair e.g. wash days, moisturising and Sealing. For now I'll be posting a few videos to discuss my hair regime, staple products and will take it from there.

I sound so British and posh but don't be fooled lol!!! Check it out and let me know what you think..

I must admit, I have watched this a few times and had to giggle but now I have started I will strive to get better at this YouTube ish and post at least another two videos before I'm back to work on Friday... x

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