
My Hair Regime

Summer is here and I have altered my regime to suit the weather. There are steps I no longer need to follow in the warmer months like using heavier oils to seal in moisture and I have also incorporated a few other things which I believe my hair will benefit from.


Pre-Poo (Pre-shampoo)

To shorten my wash days, I have decided to pre-poo overnight every Saturday night which means on a Sunday morning, I can begin my washday straight away. Alternatively, I will use a light protein conditioner sealed with coconut oil and then sit under the hood dryer for 25-30 minutes.


I shampoo my hair once a week using a sulfate free moisturising shampoo. My go to shampoo is Crème of Nature Moisture & Shine shampoo. Every 3 - 4 weeks I will use ORS Creamy Aloe shampoo to clarify my hair and remove any product build up.

Deep Condition

Having washed my hair, if I pre-poo with just extra virgin coconut oil I will deep condition with a light protein conditioner and if I have pre-pooed with a light protein I'll deep condition with a moisturising conditioner.

Once I have applied the conditioner to my hair root to tip, I cover with a plastic cap and always sit under the hooded dryer for 30 minutes to an hour.

Leave-Ins & Air-drying

Once my hair is 60% - 70% dry, I apply my leave-ins; Crème of Nature Strength & Shine Leave in which is a  light protein and I follow this up by applying Aunt Jackie's quench moisture intensive leave-in conditioner and a dab of serum which helps me to achieve smoother sleeker results once dry. I prefer to use no heat on my hair but no longer air-dry, alternatively I will blow dry with cold air. Once my hair is dry I will then go on to moisturise and seal my hair.


Moisturise & Seal
With the hot days we have been having, I have found my hair can get quite dry so I have been doing the LCO (liquid, cream, oil) method instead of just moisturising and sealing.

I section my hair into four, spritz each section with rose water, and apply a water based moisturiser from root to tip. My all-time favourite moisturiser is Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter Moisturizer and has been a staple product in my regime for the last 4 years. Instead of using this on my hair every night, I use it every other night.

Once my hair is moisturised, I go on to sealing the moisture into my hair by using 2-3 drops of oil on each section. I am currently sealing in my moisture with a mix of grapeseed oil and sweet almond oil and I love how it makes my hair feel soft and moist every day.

Daily Hair Care:

  • Oil my scalp every other night with my oil mix of extra virgin coconut oil and sweet almond oil.
  • Keep my hair in a low manipulation bun hairstyle 99% of the time.
  • At night I use a satin scarf to tie down my edges and then loosely twist my hair up and tuck it in a satin. I also sleep on a satin pillow case and take it with me when I travel.


Clarify Shampoo

Once a month, I use a clarifying shampoo to remove any build-up of product and I always use the ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo which doesn’t make my hair feel dry or stripped.

Protein Treatment

Following my clarifying wash, I go on to give my hair a medium protein treatment using ORS Hair Mayonnaise and again I always mix the conditioner with oils for that extra oomph. I cover with a plastic cap and sit under the hood dryer for 30 – 40 minutes then rinse once cool.

Relaxer Day

I relax my hair every 10 -12 weeks using ORS Olive Oil Lye Relaxer in normal strength.

On the day of my relaxer I will base my edges and scalp with petroleum jelly and apply extra virgin olive oil to my hair avoiding my new growth just before applying relaxer.

Have you got a summer hair regime?


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