
Wash Day Diary - 6 Weeks Post Relaxer

Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday 15th November

This week my focus for wash day was a protein treatment as I am 6 weeks post relaxer and it was time to add some strength to my hair. These are the steps I followed for yesterday’s wash day:

Pre-pooed with extra virgin coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil, covered with a plastic cap and sat under the hood dryer for 30 minutes and then left on for another 15 minutes before rinsing and then shampooing with Crème of Nature Moisture & Shine Sulfate free shampoo, lathering twice then towel dried for 5 minutes.

Applied ORS Hair Mayonnaise to my hair liberally, covered with a plastic cap and sat under the hood dryer for 30 minutes, then left on for another 20-30 minutes whilst I finished cooking dinner then rinsed.

Towel dried for 5 minutes then deep conditioned with Joico Moisture Recovery Treatment Balm mixed with my castor oil mix, covered with a plastic cap and sat under the hood dryer for 15 minutes and then again left on my hair whilst we had dinner then rinsed.

T-shirt dried for 30-40 minutes then applied my leave-ins; Crème of Nature Straight from Eden Detangling leave-in, Elasta QP Olive oil & Mango Butter Leave-in and sealed with Crème of Nature 100% Pure Argan Oil followed by a few drops of Fantasia IC Olive Oil Moisturizing Serum. I detangled my hair in sections with a wide tooth comb and then air-dried with a satin scarf laying my edges. Once fully dry, I put my hair in a loose side braid and continued to watch a movie. That was at 9pm, my partner and I woke up on the sofa at 3am this morning and there was no way I was making time to moisturise and seal before hopping into bed so I put my hair in a loose bun, secured with a satin scrunchie and tied my hair down with my satin scarf then hit my bed to grab a few more hours sleep before my alarm went off.

My alarm did not go off but I managed to jump up and before hopping into the shower, I spritzed my hair with water then in four sections, moisturised and sealed my hair with  Root2Tip Triple M Milk and my Avocado & Lavender JBCO mix then oiled my scalp with my castor oil mix. I put my hair in a loose bun and covered with my satin scarf whilst getting ready and then with minutes to spare before leaving for work, put my hair in this low manipulation twisted bun style and was out the door.

Low Manipulation Twisted Bun Style
Despite falling asleep before moisturising and sealing my hair, it was a successful washday, my hair feels stronger and is bouncy, soft and manageable. I really need to show more love for the ORS Hair Mayonnaise as I usually prefer to use the Aphogee Two Step Protein treatment but have run out of it and am yet to restock, which is why I chose to use the ORS Hair Mayonnaise and I am glad that I did.

How was your wash day?

The Wash Day Experience

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