
A New Direction for The Healthy Hair Diary

Tuesday, March 06, 2018
I know I have started 2018 with terrible non-existence blog posts and for that I am sorry. I have so much going on that something had to give and sadly it was blogging. Since starting my YouTube channel last year, I really didn't realise how time consuming it was going to be as at first I thought this would be easier than blogging...


Winter hair care

Maintain Healthy Relaxed Hair | Winter Hair Tips

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
If you haven't already, it is time to start thinking about protecting our hair from the harsh elements this cold weather brings. Below are my top winter hair care tips whether your hair is natural or relaxed. Deep Condition weekly With the cold settling in for the next few months, it is essential to give our hair as much moisture as possible to...


hair goals

2018 Hair Goals | Relaxed Hair Care

Tuesday, January 23, 2018
So the New Year is here and what better way to start the year than to set yourself some goals for the year ahead. Over the last few months, my hair has been flourishing so I have set myself some hair goals in order to maintain healthy relaxed hair throughout 2018. Here my hair goals for 2018: Grow My Hair Back to APL...


Relaxer Touch-Up - 12 Weeks post Relaxer

Tuesday, November 21, 2017
It's amazing when you do a countdown to relaxer day and then when it approaches, you're left thinking that you could go a little longer! A few weeks ago I decided I was done with self-relaxing and contacted one of my hairdressers Jade who used to relax my hair, to come round to relax and trim my hair. I could see my ends...


12 Weeks Post

How I Keep My New Growth Soft & Stretch My Relaxers

Sunday, November 19, 2017
At the beginning of my hair journey, I struggled to stretch my relaxers to 12 weeks post without the use of heat. I tried lots of different products of which some of them worked but would leave me with weighed down hair. I know what works for my hair now and as much as I have fallen in love with air-drying my relaxed...


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